What’s The Best Time Of Day To Work Out?

People have different goals they are trying to accomplish when they are exercising. Some people want to avoid health ailments, such as; diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and mental deterioration. Others are looking to regain their strength, decrease stress, or just have fun in a social setting.

People ask if early morning or later afternoon is a better time for them to exercise. The answer-there are benefits to both.

In the early morning, prior to breakfast, working out will allow your body to burn your carbohydrate and fat stores more efficiently. Make sure you drink plenty of water and try and wait half an hour or so before you eat breakfast to burn help burn the most fat.

Working out in the afternoon, either during the lunch hour or after work, will tend to benefit your strength and muscle-gaining goals more. During these sessions, it helps to fuel up with protein or a sports drink before, during, and directly after your workouts. This helps with recovery and muscle building.

Whatever your goals, exercise is important.  The most important thing is to do it no matter when you can fit it in with your busy lifestyle.

Anthony Yoshino DC, CSCS

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